Kamran Ward – Children’s Hospital Oxford


Posted on : 17-01-2012 | By : admin | In : Uncategorized

Kamran Ward - Childrens Hospital Oxford

The Alec’s Smile Fund was set up in 2011 to brighten the lives of children on Kamran Ward at the Children’s Hospital, Oxford. The Fund is held at the hospital and allows staff to respond to the needs of children who are receiving treatment for cancer, and their families.

The criteria for expenditure is simple – to bring a smile to the face of a patient and their parents. The cancer journey is often long and it is always grueling. The financial costs of repeated journey’s to hospital and the restraints of treatment can leave little time for light relief.

Alec loved to laugh and he loved to have fun. Having known him briefly it has allowed us to understand what this fund is for and how he would like us to make use of it.

To date, in its infancy, we have been able to do some lovely things – some small, others big, but all bringing a smile to those who need it most.

We have been able to part fund a trip for a very poorly little boy to meet his hero, Bob the Builder, with his family, on their very first weekend break all together, ever. This was in the autumn and was a magical experience, evidenced by the host of photograph’s he brought in to show us all and which decorated his room during treatment to help him remember what he was fighting for…

We have also been able to buy special Christmas presents for the patients and siblings who have had the most challenging year, or who had been least likely to be able to celebrate Christmas without some financial support.

A unique and very humbling experience led to us initiating and granting the wish of a terminally ill little boy who wanted his Mum and Dad (long standing sweethearts of almost 20 years) to be married. This will always be one to remember! And with the support of Alec’s Smiles, in 6 sleeps and five days the most amazing day came together that would reaffirm anyone’s faith in the power of the human spirit. What price can you put on that?

And most recently, for those patients and their families who were in hospital for the New Year, we were able to host a fish and chip supper to celebrate all that we hope 2012 will provide. This was attended by the on call consultant and members of the multi disciplinary team and was a lovely occasion for all involved. It demonstrated to the children and young people that doctors and nurses are all part of a big team committed to making their treatment successful .

With the continuation of support from Alec’s Angel’s we can make the smiles keep coming. The old adage is true…sometimes laughter ( and love) really is the best medicine! I think we can all subscribe to that…

Thank you Alec.

Gemma Downes
CLIC Sargent Social Worker