Gawcott Mile

The Gawcott Mile 2018

Saturday 21st April

 April – Gawcott Methodist Chapel
Registration from 10.00 a.m.
Children’s ‘Treasure Trail’ run at 10.30 a.m.
The Gawcott Mile at 11.00 a.m.

Come and join in the one mile fun run in Gawcott on Saturday 21st April – run starting at 11.00 a.m. Trophies for the fastest male 14 and over, fastest female 14 and over, fastest male under 14, fastest female under 14, and Fastest Roundwood Pupil.
Entry for ‘The Gawcott Mile’ – £5 donation, to include a medal for all people completing the run. Register at the Chapel next to the Village Green from 10.00 a.m.

Children’s ‘Treasure Trail’ run (Toddlers and younger children and anyone who doesn’t feel up to running the mile) starting at 10.30 a.m. Entry for childrens treasure trail is £3,prizes and medals for all participants.

The fancy dress theme this year, for those brave enough to join in, is ‘Cartoon or Disney characters’’, parade as a Pokemon, cavorte like Cruella, jog like Jumbo or speed like Superman – put on that costume, you know you want to!

Even if you don’t want to take part in the run, join us to cheer the others on and enjoy the refreshments (many thanks to Gawcott WI), raffle and other stalls in the Chapel. All proceeds will go to Alec’s Angels, a local charity which supports children and their families, who are coping with terminal illness. The charity was founded in memory of a local boy, Alec Jarvis, who despite being really poorly himself asked his parents to do something for the other children in the hospice where he was being cared for “even if it’s just to make them smile”.

Volunteers to marshall, assist with the ‘Treasure Trail’ or help with the stalls are very welcome, please contact