Helen & Douglas House has the time and expertise to care for children and young adults with life-shortening conditions and support their families. The two hospice houses offer specialist symptom and pain management, medically-supported short breaks and end-of-life care, as well as counselling and practical support for the whole family.
Helen & Douglas house were a tremendous support for Alec and his family and gave so much to make a difficult time very special. Their continuous care and dedication helps so many families in many different ways. A majority of their funding comes from the support of volunteers and fundraising which all goes into the running, facilities and special activities they offer. Alec’s Angels would like to support the families of the House in a different way.
Alec’s Angels would like to fill a pot of money that can be used to help families who will be given practical and befriending support in their homes by specially trained volunteers. Simple everyday jobs, such as shopping, preparing meals, cleaning or gardening, can often overwhelm families caring for their life-limited child, as well as leave them feeling socially isolated. Helping with these tasks will mean that the families can concentrate on the important things.
You can help us support Helen & Douglas House here. When you make your donation, don’t forget to quote “Alec’s Angels”. If you’re a taxpayer, please remember to Gift Aid it so that they can increase your donation by 25%
CLIC Sargent is the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people. It helps families across the UK and supports children and young people from birth to 24 years. CLIC Sargent has one simple aim: to reduce the impact of childhood cancer – whether that be through financial support, free accommodation close to the hospital, or nurses and social workers to support parents, siblings and the patient in hospital and back at home. It costs CLIC Sargent around £3750 to support each child or young person through their treatment.
CLIC Sargent, like all the charities involved, were a massive support for Alec and his family. Alec was a child determined to live life to the full. Simple things, like Christmas trips, family fun days and holidays, allow a break from treatment and the hospital routine and offer something to look forward to and enjoy. These are the very things we want to help CLIC Sargent to continue to provide for children on treatment.
You can find out more about the work CLIC Sargent do and donate here.
Remember when donating directly to all the charities to select the Gift Aid option and mention ‘Alec’s Angels’. If you would like to donate directly to Alec’s Angels then please contact Brian to find out more.